Without the right feedback, your team won’t reach their potential. An employee appraisal is a critical tool in delivering that. It allows both the manager and employee to have a constructive conversation and reflect on the last year, identifying strengths and areas of improvement.

This employee appraisal template gives managers a framework to:

  • Measure performance
  • Reflect on last year’s achievements
  • Identify areas of improvement
  • Set goals for next year

Enabling them to comprehensively evaluate their team, reward those who are performing strongly and put plans in place to support those who aren’t.

Download Your Template

Instantly download our template by entering your email address below. This process provides you with immediate access to a valuable resource, designed to enhance and streamline your workflow.

What is an Employee Appraisal?

An Employee Appraisal, also referred to as a performance review or evaluation, is a structured assessment where the employee and their manager reflect on their last year based on pre-established criteria and goals that have been set. The performance review is more than just a feedback review, it should be a holistic view of an employee’s contribution, achievements and areas for improvement.

In essence, Employee Appraisals are a cornerstone of talent management, ensuring that individuals are recognised, nurtured, and guided in a direction that benefits both their personal growth and the organisation’s success.

Understanding the Value of Employee Appraisals

Appraisals are not just about performance metrics; they delve into an employee’s contributions, potential, aspirations, and areas of improvement. By keeping a pulse on these, organisations can ensure that talent is nurtured, acknowledged, and steered in the right direction.

Why are Employee Appraisals Essential?

Here’s why emphasising regular and detailed employee appraisals is pivotal:

  • Career Development: Appraisals highlight strengths and areas of growth, allowing employees to understand their career trajectory within the organisation.
  • Organisational Alignment: Regular reviews ensure that individual goals are in sync with organisational objectives, promoting a unified vision.
  • Motivation and Recognition: Recognising achievements and providing constructive feedback boosts morale and encourages continuous improvement.
  • Skill Development: By identifying skill gaps, organisations can invest in targeted training and development initiatives.
  • Talent Retention: Through appraisals, employees feel valued and heard, which enhances job satisfaction and retention.

What is in this Employee Appraisal Template?

Our meticulously designed Employee Appraisal Template is structured to capture a 360-degree view of an employee’s performance.

Key areas covered in our template include:

  • Achievements
  • Areas to improve
  • Performance metrics
  • Goals and objectives

By leveraging these insights, organisations can design individualised development plans, ensuring each team member reaches their maximum potential.

Using the Employee Appraisal Template

Running an effective Employee Appraisal process involves more than just handing out forms. It’s a systematic approach that ensures clarity, fairness, and productive outcomes.

Here’s a guide to help you navigate the appraisal process:

Preparation and Communication:

    1. Announce the appraisal cycle well in advance, allowing employees ample time to prepare.
    2. Clearly communicate the objectives of the appraisal, ensuring employees understand its significance and the outcomes it seeks to achieve.

Distribute the Appraisal Template:

    1. Send out the Employee Appraisal Template to each individual. Electronic platforms like Microsoft Teams or Office 365 can facilitate this.
    2. Allow a reasonable timeframe (e.g., two weeks) for employees to reflect upon and fill out their self-assessment sections.


    1. Encourage employees to provide detailed feedback about their achievements, challenges, and aspirations.
    2. This self-reflection phase is crucial as it offers employees a platform to voice their perspective and set the tone for the upcoming review discussion.

Review Session:

    1. Once the self-assessment is complete, schedule one-on-one review sessions between employees and their respective managers.
    2. These discussions should be constructive, focusing on recognising achievements, addressing concerns, and setting clear objectives for the future.

Actionable Outcomes:

    1. Based on the appraisal feedback, outline clear action points. This could involve training programmes, role adjustments, or setting new performance targets.
    2. Ensure that these actions are realistic, achievable, and aligned with both the employee’s and organisation’s goals.


    1. Post the appraisal, consistently check in on the progress of the action points set.
    2. This could be in the form of monthly or quarterly reviews to ensure that the objectives are on track and any challenges are addressed promptly.

Feedback Loop:

    1. After the appraisal cycle, seek feedback about the process itself. Was it fair? Comprehensive? Were there areas of improvement?
    2. Use this feedback to refine and enhance subsequent appraisal cycles.

Remember, the key to a successful appraisal process lies in open communication, genuine recognition, and a commitment to continuous growth and development. By ensuring a structured and empathetic approach, organisations can harness the true potential of their workforce.

For a detailed guide on carrying out a remote employee appraisal check out our complete guide.

Download Your Template

Instantly download our template by entering your email address below. This process provides you with immediate access to a valuable resource, designed to enhance and streamline your workflow.