When considering SLA compliance for call centers, no manager can afford to overlook the importance of call response times. After all, when it comes to business, time is money – and so much more.

Failing to meet your SLA targets will significantly impact the customer experience, which ultimately damages loyalty and key business outcomes. When combined with the penalties faced for failing to comply with SLA requirements, it’s clear that this deserves a lot of time and attention.

Thankfully, introducing actionable strategies and modern tools will allow you to improve call response times and take your client support game to a whole new level. In this post, we’ll uncover some of the best tips to incorporate scheduling, automation, prioritization, and other strategies to cultivate a winning call center environment while also looking at how tools like Analytics 365 can help. Here’s all you need to know.

Understanding SLAs

Before considering how to master SLA compliance for call centers, it’s important to gain a better understanding of them.

An SLA, short for Service Level Agreement, is a formal agreement between service providers and their clients that outlines the expected level of service. It serves as a benchmark for performance and a pledge of quality assurance to customers. In the context of call centers, though, a primary focus is on call response time, which is an example of first response times.

SLAs play an integral role in effective call center management for many reasons, including but not limited to;

  • Providing customers with clear guidelines on what they should expect from the company.
  • Giving employees a set guidelines on what is expected of them.
  • Ensuring accountability and consistency in service delivery across all parts of the business.

SLAs can help manage customer expectations before ultimately boosting customer satisfaction levels and trust. Given that consumers are willing to spend 17% more to do business with companies that deliver excellent service, prioritizing SLAs won’t only support the call center. It’ll support the entire business.

Common SLAs within Call Centers

Despite the growth of live chat and other customer support avenues, calls remain the easiest method for consumers to get the help they need, which is why call centers are a key part of the operation. To keep yours running smoothly to satisfy user expectations, the following SLAs may be used;

  • Call Response Time: The percentage of incoming calls answered within a predetermined number of seconds.
  • First Call Resolution (FCR): The percentage of calls resolved on the first interaction, without the need for a follow-up.
  • Average Handle Time (AHT): The average duration of a call, including talk time, hold time, and the time spent on related tasks after the call ends.
  • Customer Satisfaction (CSAT): A measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectations, often obtained through post-call surveys.
  • Abandon Rate: The percentage of calls terminated by the caller before being connected to an agent.
  • Service Level: The percentage of calls answered within a specific time frame, often set at 20 seconds or less. The 80/20 rule suggests that you should aim for at least 80%.
  • Average Speed of Answer (ASA): The average time it takes for an incoming call to be answered by an agent.
  • Call Quality: Assessed through monitoring and evaluation, focusing on aspects such as adherence to protocols, communication skills, and problem-solving ability.
  • Agent Occupancy: The percentage of time agents spend handling calls or completing after-call work compared to their available time.
  • After-Call Work Time (ACW): The average time an agent spends on tasks related to a call after the conversation has ended.

Utilizing the right elements to maintain SLA compliance for call centers will support employees, customers, and the organization with immediate and ongoing results.

The Significance of Call Response Time

Call response times have a huge influence on the customer’s first impression. It is shown that 90% of the lasting impression you make comes from the first 90 seconds of contact and quick response times are associated with professionalism, respect for the customer’s time, and a commitment to service excellence. Understandably, this will yield increased customer satisfaction.

A winning interaction plants the seed for better customer relationships, not least because happy clients become loyal clients. Customers remain loyal when they feel valued by a company that is simultaneously equipped to deal with their issues promptly. Loyal customers complete repeat business and spread the word, making them up to 22x more valuable to the company.

Besides, call response times also indicate the overall operational efficiency of the call center. So, SLA compliance for call centers will promote improved resource utilization and performance levels. In turn, this can improve working situations while, crucially, helping the company grow a reputation for providing fast and efficient results.

Strategies and Tips to Improve Call Response Time

You now understand the importance of SLAs. Here are seven strategies to help you optimize call response times in your call center

Optimize Staff Scheduling

Effective staff scheduling in call centers is arguably harder than in any other setting due to fluctuating call volumes and levels of demand. However, failing to satisfy the demand at all times can lead to long wait times, missed calls, and damaged customer satisfaction.

Knowing how to optimize call center staff scheduling during peak times is particularly important for maintaining SLA compliance. Part-time and flexible staff can work wonders for the company, while giving customers the option to request a callback helps avoid the repercussions of being overwhelmed at any given time. Still, analyzing historical call data to understand trends in call volume, including peak times, seasonal fluctuations, and unexpected spikes, should enable you to stay on top of the situation through predictive scheduling.

Shift-swapping and remote work options can also help call centers adapt to changing call volumes while maintaining employee satisfaction. When taking the latter option, though, you must ensure that the right systems and security measures are in place.

An added emphasis on staff scheduling will serve you well, but you must continuously measure its impact on call response times and SLA compliance. The sooner you respond to shortages during peak times, the sooner you can restore call response times to a suitable level.

Implement Customer Service Software & Technology

Technology has been at the heart of evolving business landscapes, not least in relation to customer services. Consumers now expect fast responses and utilizing the right tech features to facilitate quick action from your agents is essential.

First and foremost, you should conduct a full audit of existing tech infrastructure. Identifying faulty or outdated systems and software will instantly highlight your first points of attention. In today’s landscape, call centers should focus on VoIP hardware along with software like Analytics 365 to achieve the very best outcomes.

Once new customer service technologies have been implemented, you must ensure that they are configured to align with the business’s needs. Likewise, all call center staff must be trained on the new technologies.

Ongoing evaluations of tech’s impact on call response times and customer experiences should allow you to confirm whether you are hitting your SLAs. A comprehensive approach should review technology performance, gather feedback from agents and customers, and make adjustments to software and processes as needed.

Enhance Agent Training

The right tech platforms will provide a solid foundation for your call center to thrive. Nonetheless, true success relies heavily on employee performance levels. Agents require several skills to ensure SLAs like call response times are met. They include; speed, efficiency, organizational skills, creative problem-solving, pressure handling, emotional stability, teamwork, and competence when working autonomously.

Of course, they will also need to be familiar with all technologies used by the company and be prepared to solve customer queries quickly. Dedicated call center staff training should have a positive impact while simultaneously building their confidence.

When followed with regular staff assessments, you can quickly identify and address specific areas where they may need development.

Utilize Email Autoresponses

While consumers expect quick responses, they don’t necessarily need an immediate resolution. Instead, they simply need to know that their issue has been received and that the customer agents are working on it. Therefore, email autoresponders can play a key role in managing customer expectations and enhancing communication efficiency.

Autoresponses free up agent time by automatically handling routine inquiries, allowing agents to concentrate on complex issues and calls. This will reduce average call response times and increase customer satisfaction.

To implement automated responses, you could send a simple email to confirm that the inquiry has been received. However, you can also begin to analyze incoming emails to identify common inquiries and develop standardized responses. When supported by email management software that features customization for different inquiry scenarios and scalability, automated emails will lift a load from the shoulders of your agents.

Prioritize Calls Based on Urgency and Value

It’s great that you want to respond to all inquiries quickly while also meeting SLA compliance for call center demands. However, not all calls are equal. Prioritization will help you retain control.

Some calls require immediate attention due to their urgency. Likewise, others may hold more value for the business due to the customer’s potential or history. The harsh reality is that one in three consumers will leave after just one bad experience. So, you cannot afford to lose high-value clients due to solving the question of a cold lead. Prioritizing the right cases will enhance customer satisfaction with high-value interactions while also streamlining workflows and reducing the pressure on agents. This leads to efficient call queue handling.

Some of the steps that may be implemented to create a better call prioritization system include;

  • Analyzing Call Data to quickly and accurately categorize the call.
  • Setting Prioritization Criteria to determine what qualifies as a high-value call.
  • Utilizing Technology to automate some of the process and use past interaction with the caller to determine their value.
  • Training Agents to feel familiar with your prioritizations.
  • Monitoring and Adjusting the situation to reflect the evolving needs of the organization.

Encourage Self-Service Options Such As Knowledgebases

There has been an undeniable shift towards self-service customer care in recent years with up to 81% of people now looking to solve issues for themselves before reaching out to agents. Providing the facilities for consumers to do this can transform the situation for users as well as call center employees.

Knowledge bases including FAQs, tutorials, and other help pages significantly enhance customer satisfaction by empowering them to find answers quickly without waiting for direct support. Better still, as well as providing immediate access to information for the user, it reduces the volume of routine inquiries reaching call center agents. In turn, this reduces call response times and makes SLA compliance for call centers far easier to maintain.

Agents are subsequently positioned to put greater focus on more complex, high-value interactions while potentially improving call response times for these critical engagements.

The best way to get this right is to create comprehensive content that addresses the most common customer queries and ensures it’s easily searchable and understandable. When hosted with a technology platform that supports easy navigation, mobile responsiveness, and integration with existing systems. Crucially, knowledge bases should be regularly updated with new info to reflect the latest customer inquiry topics.

Promoting this content through social media and email marketing should achieve the necessary levels of awareness while call center agents can be trained to guide customers towards self-service options when appropriate.

Foster a Culture of Continuous Improvement

The customer service industry is particularly dynamic in nature as expectations and technologies rapidly evolve. So, it’s not simply a case where you can tick off SLA compliance for call centers as a completed assignment. In other words, success doesn’t come from achieving results, it comes from maintaining them.

Therefore, call centers must adopt a culture of continuous improvement to unlock the desired call response teams and keep customers happy. Besides, it is an important step to support ongoing operational efficiency, client satisfaction, and employee engagement.

For starters, you should use appraisals to ensure that each employee strives for better. This should be supported by collective improvements like setting clear, measurable goals, promoting open communication, implementing regular training programs, and leveraging technology for performance tracking into a single cohesive strategy. Whether the goal is to reduce average call handling time or increase customer satisfaction scores, tracking them keeps you on the path to success. For the best results, you should actively seek and value feedback from all team members to gain buy-in from all relevant parties.

Continuous improvement drives the team to constantly seek ways to reduce inefficiencies, leverage new technologies, and refine customer interaction strategies, thereby fostering an environment where excellence in service is the norm. Make this a natural part of the company culture and organization’s DNA to transform the way your workforce operates forever.

Leveraging Analytics 365’s Call Analytics Tool

Adopting the right mindset to improve call response times in your call center will make an instant impact, but it’s equally crucial to equip yourself with the right weapons for battle.

Analytics 365’s call analytics tool delivers a comprehensive range of features designed to track and analyze call center metrics with real-time insights. Therefore, call centers can monitor agent performance and manage workloads to ensure compliance with Service Level Agreements (SLAs).

The platform monitors several key performance indicators (KPIs) such as call response times, average handle time (AHT), grade of service, and abandonment rates.

Our user-friendly live dashboards provide instant visibility into all aspects of your call center operations.


SLA compliance for call centers is one of the biggest challenges facing managers, but learning how to improve call response times will go a long way to improving customer relations and ultimately boosting the company’s bottom line.

It can feel like an uphill battle, but a combination of winning strategies and tools like Analytics 365 will allow you to support customers like never before. To find out more, get in touch or book a demo today.