Analytics 365 Blog

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Our Latest Blog Posts

  • A Guide to Running Effective Hybrid Meetings: Tips and Framework

    Getting meetings right can make or break your business. Between 2020 and 2022, the proportion of employees spending a third of their week or more in remote video meetings rose from 48% to 77%. New figures for 2023 suggest 83% of employees now fall into this category. If they were spending the time productively, it wouldn’t be a problem. But unfortunately, most companies aren’t running effective remote meetings. Leaders know that [...]

  • Actionable Tips to Keep Remote Workers Motivated

    Motivation is essential to keep remote workers productive, engaged, and satisfied with their jobs. But not every business is getting it right. A survey of 1,000+ employees suggests that 59% are struggling with distractions when working from home, while 45% say they find it hard to stay motivated. Despite these dire statistics, workers don’t want to return to the office. Forcing them back could make firms less competitive in the job [...]

  • How Collaborative Software Can Help Remote Teams

    You can't run remote teams without collaborative software. It facilitates communication from different locations and time zones, and with the shift to hybrid working is one of the reasons why the market has grown from $7 billion USD to over $19 billion in such a short space of time. With that being said, there are still a lot of people who have never heard the term collaborative software, let alone know [...]

  • How To Collaborate Effectively When Your Team Is Working Remotely

    Remote working has become increasingly common in recent years. The pandemic accelerated the shift towards working from home, and many businesses have chosen to embrace more flexible working arrangements since 2020. As remote workforces have become more commonplace, employers and leaders face fresh challenges linked to remote teams working together effectively. Studies show that if left unchecked, remote work can decrease collaboration by up to 25%. A reduction in cohesion [...]

  • Overcoming Communication Challenges in Remote Work: Actionable Tips for Success

    The rise of remote work has changed business landscapes forever and opened the door to plenty of new possibilities. However, it has introduced some obstacles too. Remote work communication challenges are perhaps the most significant, which is why every team leader must address the situation with immediate effect. Research shows that in 2022 17% of remote employees have highlighted difficulties with collaboration and communication as their biggest struggle. Whilst [...]

  • The Complete Guide to Maximising Cross-Cultural Employees

    It is often said that the world feels smaller than ever thanks to the advancements of modern technology, and that is never more evident than in the modern business environment. If your company is eager to stay ahead of the competition in today’s climate, managing remote teams and cross-cultural employees must be considered a priority.  As remote work becomes more prevalent, businesses have the opportunity to tap into a [...]

  • 7 Ways To Keep Your Remote Team Engaged

    It is well known that one of the main challenges that managers and businesses face is keeping their employees engaged. This can be even more challenging when their teams are working remotely. Without making an effort to bring your team together to stay motivated, there is a risk that standards will drop, effort will decrease, collaboration among employees will be lost, and your team's overall quality and production will [...]

  • How To Effectively Train Remote Employees

    An article by The Home Office Life stated that more than half of the working population only started working remotely since the pandemic. For many of the younger generation, it’s all they’ve ever known. For most managers, however, this is still new and represents a small portion of their working life. And yet we expect managers to be able to effectively train their team with little to no support or training [...]

  • Monitoring The Performance Of Your Remote Team

    Only 7% of employees have continuous performance management. Think about that, 7 out of 100 people have any form of continuous performance management in their current role. This probably means that there are a lot of managers out there who probably aren’t monitoring their team's performance. And that study is not looking at remote teams specifically. Remote teams where you typically have less contact time and the comfort of seeing someone [...]

  • Tools To Improve Remote Employee Relationships

    Working remotely is still quite a new concept for most businesses and can still be prone to problems. Many employees reported problems such as missing out on casual social interactions with their colleagues, and a further 67% of workers aged 18-34 said they have found it hard to make friends and maintain relationships with work colleagues when working remotely. Establishing relationships within the workplace can be difficult for employees at the [...]

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